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Seven Years Cultivation and Harvest in One Day-the Dong Guan-Huizhou Interurban Railway Formal Operation (Changping South-Xiao Jinkou section)

2016-03-30   【 Big  Middle  Small 】   【 Printing 】   【 Close


On March 30th, 2016, the first interurban railway with the milestone meaning in Pearl River Delta, Dongguan-Huizhou interurban railway which was survey and design by CEC was formal operating.

The Dongguang-Huizhou interurban railway is the important route for the Pearl River Delta interurban transit net, it is the high speed interurban transit line of the Dongguan, Huizhou and the other cities along the line. This line come cross the central city area of Dongguan and Huizhou, the design speed is 200 KM/H and the total length is 99.8 KM with 17 stations, the ratio of the bridge and tunnel is 95% and the length of the tunnel reached 54% of the whole line. The section from Changping South-Xiaojinkou is 53.780 KM with 3 elevated stations, one station on the ground and 6 under ground stations.